Another Christmas season is practically behind us already! This fall and early winter has seen a great number of changes to the Heron Lake site and we are now at a point to share draft versions of our Lake Use Rules, Architectural Control, and Score Card Companion documents. If you have taken a tour then you have already seen versions of these documents over the past couple of months. We have spent a great amount of time refining them to reflect the vision that we have for the Heron Lake site, both for now and for the future.
Please take your time below to review and get a feel for our overall planning. We look forward to comments and feedback. Everyone at Heron Development hopes that you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
As you review these documents, we would highly recommend that you also look at the Heron Lake Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance that was ratified earlier this year by the City of Auburn. That Ordinance provides the basis for planning and authority of the Heron Lake PUD. You can download the Ordinance here. The accompanying Primary Plat can be downloaded here.
Heron Lake PUD Covenants
You can download the pdf form of the DRAFT Covenants and Restrictions for the PUD at the link: Heron PUD Covenants – DRAFT
The Heron Lake PUD will have one set of overall Covenants and Restrictions, this provides the basis and authority for all of the documents listed below. Incorporating both residential and commercial elements, these Covenants are essential for overall community planning.
Lake Use Rules
You can download the pdf form of the DRAFT Lake Use Rules at the link: Lake Use Rules – DRAFT
The Lake Use Rules are intended to: assure personal and group safety, provide consideration for the usage rights of all Residents, and to provide the means for all reasonable and appropriate maintenance of Developer property and equipment.
That is quite a mouthful above, but essentially the Lake Use Rules are written in a manner that all Residents will be able to enjoy the Lake and other amenities in a fashion that fits their lifestyle and community goals.
Architectural Control Committee – Guidelines & Improvement Review Process
You can download the pdf form of the DRAFT ACC Guidelines at the link: ACC Guidelines – DRAFT
The ACC Guideline are intended to provide a basis for dialogue between the ACC Committee and Owners/Builder and provide transparency in the review process. An ongoing exchange of concepts and potential solutions is viewed as the desirable method for addressing the requirements of each stage of the Improvement Review Process.
In short, we encourage Owners and Builders to start their dialogue with the ACC at an early stage. The goal is a greatly simplified approval process and discussion of items that really have an impact on the community and the Owner’s long term maintenance of their house.
Score Card Companion
You can download the pdf form of the DRAFT Score Card Companion at the link: Score Card Companion – DRAFT
The Score Card Companion is the guidebook for our points based review process. The ultimate goal is establish a dialogue about key points in house construction that have substantial impact on short and long term costs, maintenance issues, and community impacts. With this guidebook it is possible to review your own plans and come up with a rough score. Once a house application exceeds the points requirements, then it is an approved application. The goal is a simple method to offer incentives, based on the points score, to reduce your annual assessments and fees for a ten year window and potentially lower the minimum square footage required for your house.
Development Definitions
You can download the pdf form of the DRAFT Definitions at the link: Definitions – DRAFT
All of the inherent definitions for key terms are contained in this document. It is a companion document for all of the files listed above.